About Us

About Us

About Us

About Us

About the project

About the project

About the project

Sabah Climate Futures makes detailed climate change projections and their potential impacts on Sabah open-source and publicly available. While scientists and organisations have already done the complex work of "downscaling" global climate models to create high-resolution data, our role bridges the gap between technical information and understanding of local communities, policymakers, and organisations.

We take detailed projections and translate them into simple, accessible formats that show how climate change would affect Sabah’s environment, resources, and livelihoods. By providing clear and practical insights, our intention is to support everyone—from farmers to planners—to make informed decisions for adaptation and mitigation in the face of changing climate, with a mission to move Sabah’s communities toward resilience, re-generation and re-imaging futures, and activating climate action at cross-sectoral levels. 

Forever Sabah

Forever Sabah

Forever Sabah

Forever Sabah is a 25-year programme to support Sabah's transition to a diversified, equitable, circular economy. We describe the shape of our interconnected teams, projects and partners as an ecology: a web of relations, and a living organism seeking to re-weave Sabah’s vision for the future. The work centres communities, organisations and movements as we navigate complex realities and ask: how do we shape meaningful reconciliation between beings, places and Nature? We work across four focal areas: Forest, Water & Soil; Livelihood, Tourism & Enterprise; Energy, Infrastructure & Waste; and Food, Agriculture & Fisheries with initiatives that range from the hyper-local to regional, and global.

Forever Sabah Institute

Forever Sabah Institute

Forever Sabah Institute

Forever Sabah Institute (FSI) is a small team holding the space for big ideas and the right people, at the right time. Our mission is to support the knowing-doing-sharing nexus of the Forever Sabah ecology.

FSI grapples with present knowledge systems and lineages of power as we dive into challenging conversations, embodied practices and reflection. Weaving teams, people and more-than-human kin in a space (wherever that may be), our work sits at the intersection of ecology, well-being and culture, tending to Forever Sabah’s movement across different realms, projects and initiatives to support Sabah’s transition to becoming an equitable, diversified and circular economy.

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